What People Are Saying
“On a technical level the film is paced very well, not rushing or holding too much at any point. It knows the story it wants to tell, and while of course with any short piece there is much more it could go on to say, this feels like a nice self-contained piece all on its own.
The camera work is impressive here and… composed very effectively, having a professional sheen.”
— Daniel Hess, To Tony Productions
“He was very professional, and took a variety of shots. He knew how to choose the right angles and backgrounds, and could suggest a number of different alternatives.”
— Claire Lane, Paradise Yoga
"Joshi's creativity caught our eye, then matched with his energy and enthusiasm for his craft, made the whole process a true pleasure. Joshi is mature beyond his years so has the ability to drive his work yet still retains a strong sense of humility and keenness in collaboration.”